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Meet Our Staff

County Extension Director

Heather Schaffer, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionHeather SchafferCounty Extension Director, Community Resource Development Call Heather Email Heather Guilford County Center

4-H Youth Development

Meredith Kreeger, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMeredith KreegerExtension Agent, 4-H Youth Development Call Meredith Email Meredith Guilford County CenterLauren Taubert, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionLauren Taubert4-H Program Assistant Call Lauren Email Lauren Guilford County Center

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Taylor Jones, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionTaylor JonesExtension Agent, Agriculture - Horticulture, Natural Resources, Wildlife Call Taylor Email Taylor Guilford County CenterHolly Key, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionHolly KeyProgram Assistant, Agriculture - Horticulture Call Holly Email Holly Guilford County CenterCole Maness, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionCole ManessExtension Agent, Agriculture - Livestock / forages, Field Crops, Pesticide Coord. Call Cole Email Cole Guilford County CenterCrystal Mercer, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionCrystal MercerExtension Agent, Agriculture - Community & School Gardens Call Crystal Email Crystal Guilford County CenterMarcus Williams, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMarcus Williams, M.S.Extension Agent, Agriculture - Food Crops Call Marcus Email Marcus Guilford County Center

Community Development

Jeffrey Cates, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionJeffrey CatesExtension Agent, Digital Skills Call Jeffrey Email Jeffrey Guilford County CenterAlyssa McKim, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionAlyssa McKimProgram Coordinator, Food Security Call Alyssa Email Alyssa Guilford County CenterMelodie Melbouci, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMelodie MelbouciProgram Assistant, Food Security Call Melodie Email Melodie Guilford County Center

Family and Consumer Sciences

Sequoia Albright, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionSequoia AlbrightEFNEP Educator Call Sequoia Email Sequoia Guilford County CenterMara Amador, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMara AmadorExtension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences - Financial Literacy Call Mara Email Mara Guilford County CenterShanna Scott, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionShanna ScottEFNEP Educator, Extension Program Assistant- Youth, Pregnant Teens, Adults Call Shanna Email Shanna Guilford County CenterVince Webb, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionVince Webb, Jr.Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences Call Vince Email Vince Guilford County Center


Sonni Dudley, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionSonni DudleyOutreach Specialist Call Sonni Email Sonni Guilford County CenterRachel Herring, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionRachel HerringCounty Extension Administrative Assistant Call Rachel Email Rachel Guilford County Center

Regional Positions

Area Specialized Agents specialize in specific areas of agriculture and natural resource management and serve many counties. Area 4-H Agents provide support to county based 4-H programs. While their knowledge and expertise is available to residents of Guilford County Center, they may not be present in the Guilford County Center. Please contact the Guilford County Center for assistance and initial consultation.

Jonas Asbill, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionJonas AsbillArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Poultry Call Jonas Email Jonas Serves 20 CountiesBased out of Randolph County Center Stephen Bishop, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionStephen BishopWestern Director, NC FarmLink Call Stephen Email Stephen Serves 45 Counties and EBCIBased out of Horticultural Science Marissa Cohen, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMarissa CohenArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Animal Food Safety Call Marissa Email Marissa Serves 100 Counties and EBCIBased out of Prestage Poultry Science Marti Day, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMarti DayArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Dairy Call Marti Email Marti Serves 100 Counties and EBCIBased out of Orange County Center Tom Dyson, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionTom DysonArea Specialized Agent, Agromedicine Call Tom Email Tom Serves 100 Counties and EBCIBased out of Gaston County Center Erin Eure, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionErin EureArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Commercial Fruits and Vegetables Call Erin Email Erin Serves 35 CountiesBased out of Gates County Center Nathan Gatlin, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionNathan GatlinArea Specialized Agent - Forestry Call Nathan Email Nathan Serves 49 Counties and EBCIBased out of Wilkes County Center Stacey Jones, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionStacey JonesArea Specialized Agent, Commercial Nursery and Greenhouse Call Stacey Email Stacey Serves 28 CountiesBased out of Cabarrus County Center Peggie Lewis Joyce, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionPeggie Lewis JoyceArea Agent, 4-H Youth Development - West Region Call Peggie Lewis Email Peggie Lewis Serves 50 Counties and EBCIBased out of Davidson County Center Ashley Robbins, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionAshley RobbinsArea Specialized Agent - Dairy Call Ashley Email Ashley Serves 100 Counties and EBCIBased out of Chatham County Center Elena Rogers, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionElena RogersArea Specialized Agent, Agriculture - Fresh Produce Food Safety (Western NC) Call Elena Email Elena Serves 49 Counties and EBCIBased out of Horticultural Science Eli Saavedra-Villatoro Call Eli Email Eli Guilford County CenterServes 1 CountyBased out of Guilford County Center Mitch Woodward, N.C. Cooperative ExtensionMitch WoodwardArea Specialized Agent, Watersheds and Water Quality Call Mitch Email Mitch Serves 100 Counties and EBCIBased out of Wake County Center